Lauren's Loquacious Land of Loopiness

My First Year at NIU!
Newman Voices
My Friends
Aunts and Uncles
Lent 2004
My Brothers
My Sister
Senior Pictures
High School Band
Soccer Days
Baby Lauren
My Family
Canada or Bust!
NIU U-Perc Ens
Winter Break 2002
Kappa Kappa Psi
My First Year at NIU!
NIU Huskie Marching Band
My Musical Dog
Grandma Gifts

Who ever thought that DeKalb would be such an event filled town?!?

Goodness!  Classes, marching band, pep band, university band, percussion ensemble, klezmer band, Kishwaukee Symphony Orchestra, Kristin Glidden's Senior Recital, Stevenson Dining, Kappa Kappa Psi, my roommate, my floormates, and lots of practicing have been among the many people and activities that have kept me busy this school year.  What?  Lauren....busy?  No way!  Well...I thought that leaving all of my extra-curricular activities from Effingham High School would leave me with a relaxing year ahead of me at NIU, but I was wrong.  I just can't resist the urge to get involved!  You all should know that by now!  Plus, with my goal of getting accepted into the percussion studio in the NIU School of Music I've kept busy... practicing more during this one year than I have practiced in my entire life!  I's sad...but it's true.  But the good news is that all of my hard work paid off!  I got in!  I'm now on the road to becoming an official music educator and I'm pumped!  I've learned so much this year...proper percussion techniques to utilize on the various instruments within the percussion family...and the marimba has become my significant other.  Ha!  I've spent more time with a marimba than I have studying or doing anything else.  And this is only the beginning.  Ahhh!!!!'s all good, great, exciting, and rewarding.  Let me tell you...after learning the proper techniques to play bar percussion, my performances have been much more fulfilling.  Knowing I'm doing things the right way, creating the most beautiful sounds possible...feels great!  I only hope that I can instill all of these thoughts, feelings, and techniques into my percussion students this summer.  Wish me Luck!


This picture was taken of the all-university percussion ensemble (in the making) at NIU during one of our concerts over the weekend of April 26th and 27th.